- euthermic
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eu·ther·mic (u-thurґmik) [Gr. euthermos very warm] 1. normothermic. 2. promoting warmth.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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eu·ther·mic (u-thurґmik) [Gr. euthermos very warm] 1. normothermic. 2. promoting warmth.Medical dictionary. 2011.
euthermic — /yooh therr mik/, adj. producing or creating heat or warmth. [EU + THERM + IC] * * * … Universalium
euthermic — adj. heat producing … English contemporary dictionary
euthermic — eu·thermic … English syllables
euthermic — a. producing warmth … Dictionary of difficult words
euthermic — (ˈ)yü+ adjective Etymology: eu + thermic : inducing or promoting warmth * * * /yooh therr mik/, adj. producing or creating heat or warmth. [EU + THERM + IC] … Useful english dictionary
Hibernation — For the ability of certain operating systems, see Hibernate (OS feature) Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rate. Hibernation… … Wikipedia