- ethiodized oil
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[USP] an iodine addition product of the ethyl ester of the fatty acids of poppyseed oil, used as a radiopaque medium in various diagnostic procedures.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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[USP] an iodine addition product of the ethyl ester of the fatty acids of poppyseed oil, used as a radiopaque medium in various diagnostic procedures.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Ethiodized oil — (Ethiodol, Savage Laboratories) is used by injection as a radio opaque contrast agent.Ethiodized oil is composed of iodine combined with ethyl esters of fatty acids of poppyseed oil, primarily as ethyl monoiodostearate and ethyl diiodostearate.… … Wikipedia
Ethiodol — Ethi·o·dol (ə thiґo dol) a trademark for a preparation of ethiodized oil … Medical dictionary