- ergotamine
- C33H35N5O5; an alkaloid from ergot, used for the relief of migraine; it is a potent stimulant of smooth muscle, particularly of the blood vessel s and the uterus, and produces adrenergic blockade (chiefly of the alpha receptors); hydrogenated e., dihydroergotamine, is less toxic and has fewer side effect s. Also available as e. tartrate.
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er·got·a·mine (.)ər-'gät-ə-.mēn n an alkaloid that is derived from ergot and is used chiefly in the form of its tartrate (C33H35N5O5)2·C4H6O6 esp. in treating migraine* * *
n.a drug that causes constriction of blood vessels and is used to relieve migraine. It is administered by mouth or in suppositories. Common side-effects are nausea and vomiting, and ergotism may develop as a result of high doses; because of this it has largely been superseded by 5HT1 agonist. Trade names: Cafergot, Migril.* * *
er·got·amine (ər-gotґə-min) an alkaloid derived from ergot, consisting of lysergic acid, ammonia, proline, phenylalanine, and pyruvic acid combined in amide linkages; used in the treatment of migraine and cluster headaches.
Medical dictionary. 2011.