
To reduce or eliminate the toxicity of a substance or poison. To promote the recovery of a person from an addictive drug such as alcohol or heroin.
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de·tox·i·fy (')-'täk--. vb, -fied; -fy·ing vt
1 a) to remove a poison or toxin or the effect of such from
b) to render (a harmful substance) harmless
2) to free (as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or an addictive substance in the body or from dependence on or addiction to such a substance <the clinic started \detoxifying him by gradually lowering his dosage (J. M. Markham)> vi to become free of addiction to a drug or alcohol
de·tox·i·fi·ca·tion (.)-.täk---'-shən n

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de·tox·i·fy (de-tokґsĭ-fi) to remove the toxic quality of a substance.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • detoxify — v. t. 1. to remove poison from; to rid of the effects of poison. Syn: detoxicate. [WordNet 1.5] 2. to render (a poisonous substance) non toxic or harmless. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • detoxify — 1905; see DE (Cf. de ) + TOXIC (Cf. toxic) + FY (Cf. fy). Earlier in the same sense was detoxicate (1867) …   Etymology dictionary

  • detoxify — ► VERB (detoxifies, detoxified) 1) remove toxic substances from. 2) abstain or help to abstain from drink or drugs until the bloodstream is free of toxins. DERIVATIVES detoxification noun detoxifier noun …   English terms dictionary

  • detoxify — [dē täk′si fī΄] vt., vi. detoxified, detoxifying [ DE + TOXI(N) + FY] 1. to remove a poison or poisonous effect from (something) 2. to undergo or cause to undergo withdrawal from drug or alcohol addiction, usually by means of a specific program… …   English World dictionary

  • detoxify — [[t]diːtɒ̱ksɪfaɪ[/t]] detoxifies, detoxifying, detoxified 1) VERB To detoxify something means to remove all the poisonous or harmful substances from it. [V n] Seaweed baths can help to detoxify the body. 2) VERB To detoxify a poisonous substance… …   English dictionary

  • detoxify — transitive verb ( fied; fying) Date: circa 1905 1. a. to remove a harmful substance (as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such from b. to render (a harmful substance) harmless 2. to free (as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • detoxify — /dee tok seuh fuy/, v., detoxified, detoxifying. v.t. 1. to rid of poison or the effect of poison. 2. to treat (a person addicted to alcohol or drugs) under a program of detoxification. v.i. 3. to undergo detoxification. [1900 05; DETOXI(CATE) +… …   Universalium

  • detoxify — verb To remove foreign and harmful substances from something. See Also: detoxification …   Wiktionary

  • detoxify — de·tox·i·fy || ‚diː tÉ’ksɪfaɪ v. remove toxins, remove poisons; rehabilitate a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol …   English contemporary dictionary

  • detoxify — [di: tɒksɪfʌɪ] verb (detoxifies, detoxifying, detoxified) 1》 remove toxic substances or qualities from. 2》 abstain or help to abstain from drink and drugs until the bloodstream is free of toxins. Derivatives detoxification noun detoxifier noun …   English new terms dictionary

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