
A genus of fungi, separated by Sabouraud from Trichophyton on the basis that it never invades the hair follicles, whose macroconidia are clavate and smooth walled. The only species, E. floccosum, is an anthropophilic species that is a common cause of tinea pedis and tinea cruris. [epidermis + G. phyton, plant]

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Ep·i·der·moph·y·ton -(.)dər-'mäf-ə-.tän n a genus of imperfect fungi that comprises dermatophytes causing disease (as athlete's foot and tinea cruris), that now usu. includes a single species (E. floccosum syns. E. inguinale and E. cruris), and that is sometimes considered a synonym of Trichophyton

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a genus of fungi that grow on the skin, causing ringworm. See also dermatophyte.

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Epi·der·moph·y·ton (ep″ĭ-dər-mofґĭ-ton) [epidermis + Gr. phyton plant] a genus of Fungi Imperfecti of the form-class Hyphomycetes, form-family Moniliaceae. E. floccoґsum is a species of dermatophytes that attacks skin and nails but not hair; it causes tinea cruris, tinea pedis, and onychomycosis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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