
A rectal injection for clearing out the bowel, or administering drugs or food. [G.]
- air contrast e. a radiographic double contrast e. in which air is introduced after coating of the colon with a dense barium suspension. SYN: air contrast barium e., double contrast e..
- analeptic e. an e. of a pint of lukewarm water with one-half teaspoonful of table salt.
- barium e. a type of contrast e.; administration of barium sulfate suspension, a radiopaque medium, for radiographic and fluoroscopic study of the lower intestinal tract.
- blind e. the introduction into the rectum of a rubber tube to facilitate the expulsion of flatus.
- contrast e. e. using barium sulfate or a water-soluble contrast medium.
- double contrast e. SYN: air contrast e..
- flatus e. an e. of magnesium sulfate in glycerin and warm water.
- high e. an e. instilled high up into the colon. SYN: enteroclysis (1).
- Hypaque e. e. with water-soluble radiographic contrast material, whether diatrizoate or other.
- nutrient e. a rectal injection of predigested food.
- oil retention e. a rectal injection of mineral oil, introduced at low pressure and retained for several hours before expelling, to soften feces.
- small bowel e. radiographic examination of the small intestine, by retrograde filling from the contrast-filled large bowel. Cf.:enteroclysis, small bowel series.
- soapsuds e. an e. of shredded or powdered soap in warm water.
- turpentine e. an e. of turpentine and olive oil in soapsuds.

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en·e·ma 'en-ə- n, pl enemas also ene·ma·ta .en-ə-'mät-ə, 'en-ə--
1) the injection of liquid into the intestine by way of the anus (as for cleansing or examination)
2) the liquid injected by an enema

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n. (pl. enemata or enemas)
a quantity of fluid infused into the rectum through a tube passed into the anus. An evacuant enema (soap or olive oil) is used to remove faeces. A therapeutic enema is used to insert drugs into the rectum, usually corticosteroids in the treatment of proctocolitis. See also barium enema, small-bowel enema.

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en·e·ma (enґə-mə) [Gr.] 1. a liquid injected or to be injected into the rectum. 2. the injection of such a liquid.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • enema — m. terap. Introducción de un líquido (del mismo nombre) de tipo alimenticio o medicamentoso por vía rectal. También se denomina lavativa. Medical Dictionary. 2011. enema …   Diccionario médico

  • Enema — En e*ma, n.; pl. L. {Enemata}. [L. enema, Gr. ?, fr. ? to send in; ? in + ? to send.] (Med.) An injection, or clyster, thrown into the rectum as a medicine, or to impart nourishment. Hoblyn. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • enema — early 15c., via M.L., from Gk. enema injection, from enienai to send in, inject, from en in (see EN (Cf. en ) (2)) + hienai send (cognate of L. iacere; see JET (Cf. jet) (v.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • enema — s. m. 1. Instilação, pelo ânus, de água ou líquido medicamentoso nos intestinos, por meio de seringa, irrigador, etc. 2. Líquido medicamentoso para esse fim. • Sinônimo geral: CLISTER   ‣ Etimologia: latim enema, atis …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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  • enema — sustantivo masculino 1. Área: medicina Introducción de un líquido en el recto a través del ano con fines laxantes o para facilitar un diagnóstico. 2. Área: medicina Líquido o instrumento manual utilizados en los enemas …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • enema — ► NOUN (pl. enemas or enemata) ▪ a procedure in which fluid is injected into the rectum, typically to expel its contents. ORIGIN Greek, from enienai send or put in …   English terms dictionary

  • enema — [en′ə mə] n. pl. enemas or enemata [enəmə tə] [LL < Gr, injection < enienai, to send in < en , in + hienai, to send: see JET1] 1. a liquid forced into the colon through the anus, as a purgative, medicine, etc.; clyster 2. the forcing of… …   English World dictionary

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