- endoaneurysmorrhaphy
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en·do·an·eu·rys·mor·rha·phy .en-dō-.an-yə-.riz-'mȯr-ə-fē n, pl -phies a surgical treatment of aneurysm that involves opening its sac and collapsing, folding, and suturing its walls so that the lumen of the blood vessel approximates normal size* * *
en·do·an·eu·rys·mor·rha·phy (en″do-an″u-riz-morґə-fe) [endo- + aneurysmorrhaphy] a formerly common type of aneurysmoplasty done by opening the aneurysmal sac and narrowing the internal lumen by suture; called also Matas operation.
Medical dictionary. 2011.