- encephalocele
- A congenital gap in the skull with herniation of brain substance. SYN: craniocele, cranium bifidum, bifid cranium. [encephalo- + G. kele, hernia]- basal e. a defect in the skull floor with the herniation of brain tissue sometimes associated with coloboma of optic nerve.
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en·ceph·a·lo·cele in-'sef-ə-lō-.sēl n hernia of the brain that is either congenital or due to trauma* * *
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en·ceph·a·lo·cele (en-sefґə-lo-sēl″) [encephalo- + cele1] hernia of part of the brain and meninges through a cranial defect (cranium bifidum); it may be congenital, traumatic, or postoperative in origin. Called also cephalocele, craniocele, encephalomeningocele, and meningoencephalocele. Cf. cranial meningocele and encephalocystocele.Encephalocele.
Medical dictionary. 2011.