- emigration
- The passage of white blood cells through the endothelium and wall of small blood vessel s. [L. e-migro, pp. -atus, to emigrate]
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em·i·gra·tion (em″ĭ-graґshən) diapedesis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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em·i·gra·tion (em″ĭ-graґshən) diapedesis.Medical dictionary. 2011.
ÉMIGRATION — (1789 1814) Mesure de sûreté pour quelques personnages voués à la vindicte populaire après les troubles de juillet 1789 qu’ils ont vainement tenté de réprimer, l’émigration apparaît vite comme une révolte contre la Révolution. Le comte d’Artois,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
emigration — index egress, outflow Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 emigration … Law dictionary
emigration — em‧i‧gra‧tion [ˌemɪˈgreɪʆn] noun [uncountable] the process of leaving your own country and going to live in another one compare immigration ˌnet emiˈgration the amount by which the number of emigrant S is greater than the number of immigrant … Financial and business terms
Emigration — Em i*gra tion, n. [L. emigratio: cf. F. [ e]migration.] 1. The act of emigrating; removal from one country or state to another, for the purpose of residence, as from Europe to America, or, in America, from the Atlantic States to the Western.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
émigration — ÉMIGRATION. subst. f. Action de sortir de son pays pour aller s établir ailleurs. Il se dit aussi De l effet de cette action … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
emigration — 1640s, from L.L. emigrationem (nom. emigratio) removal from a place, noun of action from pp. stem of L. emigrare move away, depart from a place, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + migrare to move (see MIGRATION (Cf. migration)) … Etymology dictionary
emigration — immigration (see under EMIGRANT) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Emigration — [Network (Rating 5600 9600)] Auch: • Auswanderung … Deutsch Wörterbuch
emigration — [em΄i grā′shən] n. [LL emigratio] 1. the act of emigrating 2. emigrants collectively … English World dictionary
Emigration — Deutsche Emigranten gehen an Bord eines in die USA fahrenden Dampfers (um 1850) Ös … Deutsch Wikipedia
Emigration — Abwanderung; Exodus; Auswanderung * * * Emi|gra|ti|on [emigra ts̮i̯o:n], die; , en: 1. Auswanderung (besonders aus politischen, wirtschaftlichen od. religiösen Gründen): die Familie entschied sich zur Emigration. 2. fremdes Land als… … Universal-Lexikon