
1. A method of recording electrical currents traversing the heart muscle. 2. The study and interpretation of electrocardiograms.
- fetal e. recording the electrocardiogram of the fetus in utero.
- precordial e. recording of electrocardiographic signals from the anterior left chest; conventionally six electrode positions are used but any number may be applied.

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a technique for recording the electrical activity of the heart. Electrodes connected to the recording apparatus (electrocardiograph) are placed on the skin of the four limbs and chest wall; the record itself is called an electrocardiogram (ECG). In conventional scalar electrocardiography 12 leads (see lead) are recorded, but more may be employed in special circumstances (for example, an oesophageal lead, from an electrode within the gullet, may be used in the analysis of arrhythmias).
Vectorcardiography is less commonly used in Britain, but may be employed to obtain a three-dimensional impression of electrical activity of the heart.

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elec·tro·car·di·og·ra·phy (e-lektro-kahrde-ogґrə-fe) [electro- + cardio- + -graphy] the making of graphic records of the variations in electrical potential caused by electrical activity of the heart muscle and detected at the body surface, as a method for studying the action of the heart muscle; see also electrocardiogram and electrogram. electrocardiographic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Electrocardiography — ECG redirects here. For other uses, see ECG (disambiguation). Not to be confused with echocardiogram, electromyogram, electroencephalogram, or EEG. Electrocardiography Intervention Image showing a patient connected to the 10 electrodes necessary …   Wikipedia

  • electrocardiography — n. a technique for recording the electrical activity of the heart. Electrodes connected to the recording apparatus (electrocardiograph) are placed on the skin of the four limbs and chest wall; the record itself is called an electrocardiogram… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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  • electrocardiography — See electrocardiographic. * * * Method of tracing the electric current of a heartbeat to provide information on the heart. Electrocardiograms (ECGs) are made by applying electrodes, usually to the arms, legs, and chest wall, attached to an… …   Universalium

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  • intracavitary electrocardiography — electrocardiography in which electrodes are placed within the cardiac cavities …   Medical dictionary

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