
The process of working out in detail by labor and study. [L. e-laboro, pp. -atus, to labor, endeavor, fr. labor, toil, to work out]
- secondary e. the mental process occurring partly during dreaming and partly during the recalling or telling of a dream by means of which the latent (relatively disorganized and psychologically painful) content of the dream is brought into increasingly more coherent and logical order, resulting in the manifest content of the dream; an aspect of dream work.

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elab·o·ra·tion i-.lab-ə-'rā-shən n
1) the act or process of elaborating <the \elaboration of toxic substances>
2) psychic interpretation or amplification of the content of dreams and other unconscious processes

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elab·o·ra·tion (e-lab″ə-raґshən) 1. the process of producing complex substances out of simpler materials. 2. in psychiatry, an unconscious mental process of expansion and embellishment of detail, especially of a symbol or representation in a dream; called also secondary eye.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Elaboration — E*lab o*ra tion, n. [L. elaboratio: cf. F. [ e]laboration.] 1. The act or process of producing or refining with labor; improvement by successive operations; refinement. [1913 Webster] 2. (Physiol.) The natural process of formation or assimilation …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • ÉLABORATION — n. f. Action d’élaborer, de s’élaborer. L’élaboration du chyle. L’élaboration de la sève dans les végétaux. Une lente élaboration. Fig., L’élaboration d’un système …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

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  • elaboration — noun a) The act or process of producing or refining with labor; improvement by successive operations; refinement. b) The natural process of formation or assimilation, performed by the living organs in animals and vegetables, by which a crude… …   Wiktionary

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