
A peculiar broken quality of the voice sounds, like the bleating of a goat, heard about the upper level of the fluid in cases of pleurisy with effusion. SYN: capriloquism, tragophonia, tragophony. [G. aix (aig-), goat, + phone, voice]

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egoph·o·ny or chiefly Brit ae·goph·o·ny ē-'gäf-ə-nē n, pl -nies a modification of the voice resembling bleating heard on auscultation of the chest in some diseases (as in pleurisy with effusion)

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egoph·o·ny (e-gofґə-ne) [Gr. aix goat + phōnē voice] increased resonance of voice sounds, with a high-pitched nasal or bleating quality, heard especially over lung tissue that is compressed or consolidated by pleural effusion. Called also bronchoegophony, egobronchophony, tragophonia, tragophony, and voix de Polichinelle.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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