- eclampsia
- Occurrence of one or more convulsions, not attributable to other cerebral conditions such as epilepsy or cerebral hemorrhage, in a patient with preeclampsia. [G. eklampsis, a shining forth]- puerperal e. convulsions and coma associated with hypertension, edema, or proteinuria occurring in a woman following delivery.- superimposed e. convulsions occuring in a woman with superimposed preeclampsia.
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a) convulsions or coma late in pregnancy in an individual affected with preeclampsia compare TOXEMIA OF PREGNANCYb) a condition comparable to milk fever of cows occurring in domestic animals (as dogs and cats)* * *
n.the occurrence of one or more convulsions not caused by other conditions, such as epilepsy or cerebral haemorrhage, in a woman with pre-eclampsia. The onset of convulsions may be preceded by a sudden rise in blood pressure and/or a sudden increase in oedema and development of oliguria. The convulsions are usually followed by coma. Eclampsia is a threat to both mother and baby and must be treated immediately.* * *
eclamp·sia (ə-klampґse-ə) [Gr. eklampein to shine forth] 1. convulsions occurring in a pregnant or puerperal woman, associated with preeclampsia, i.e., with hypertension, proteinuria, or edema. 2. puerperal tetany. eclamptic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.