- dysacusis
- 1. Any impairment of hearing involving difficulty in processing details of sound as opposed to any loss of sensitivity to sound. 2. Pain or discomfort in the ear from exposure to sound. SYN: dysacousia, dysacusia. [dys- + G. akousis, hearing]
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dys·acu·sis also dysacousis -'kü-səs n, pl -acu·ses also -acou·ses -.sēz a condition in which ordinary sounds produce discomfort or pain* * *
dys·acu·sis (dis″ə-kooґsis) [dys- + Gr. akousis hearing] dysacousia; dysacousis. 1. a hearing impairment in which there is distortion of frequency or intensity. 2. a condition in which certain sounds produce discomfort; called also auditory dysesthesia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.