
A protein associated with motile structures, exhibiting adenosine triphosphatase activity; it forms “arms” on the outer tubules of cilia and flagella. It functions as a molecular motor. SEE ALSO: tubulin, d. arm. [dyne + protein]

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dy·nein 'dī-.nēn, -.nē-ən n an ATPase that cross-links adjacent microtubules and that by controlling their relative sliding motion regulates the movement of cellular organelles and structures (as the beating of cilia and flagella and the movement of chromosomes to the poles of the spindle)

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dy·nein (diґnēn) [Gr. dynamis power] any of a family of large cytoplasmic proteins with ATPase activity that move along microtubules toward the minus end by alternately forming and releasing cross-bridges between adjacent tubulin subunits. Dyneins are divided into two functional classes: axonemal dynein is attached to the microtubules of cilia and flagella and is responsible for their beating movement; cytosolic dyneins occur in the cytoplasm and produce dynactin-mediated movement of vesicles and chromosomes. Cf. kinesin. In EC nomenclature, called dynein ATPase.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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