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dynamogenic — adjective /daɪnəmə(ʊ)ˈdʒɛnɪk/ Characterised by dynamogeny; producing much nervous activity. the higher wishes lack just that last acuteness, that touch of explosive intensity, of dynamogenic quality (to use the slang of the psychologists), that… … Wiktionary
dynamogenic — adj. of changes in the response to sensory stimuli (Psychology) … English contemporary dictionary
dynamogenic — dy·na·mo·gen·ic … English syllables
dynamogenic — … Useful english dictionary
dynamogenesis — dynamogenic, dynamogenous /duy neuh moj euh neuhs/, adj. dynamogenously, adv. /duy neuh moh jen euh sis/, n., pl. dynamogeneses / seez /. Psychol. the correlation of changes in response with changes in sensory activity. [DYNAMO + GENESIS] * * * … Universalium
James Mark Baldwin — (Columbia, South Carolina, 1861–1934) was an American philosopher and psychologist who was educated at Princeton under the supervision of Scottish philosopher James McCosh and who was one of the founders of the Department of Psychology at the… … Wikipedia
Norman Triplett — (1861 1931) was a psychologist at Indiana University. In 1898, he wrote what is now recognized as the first published study in the field of social psychology (Strube, 2005). His experiment was on the social facilitation effect. Triplett noticed… … Wikipedia
Social facilitation — is the tendency for people to be aroused into better performance on simple tasks (or tasks at which they are expert or that have become autonomous) when under the eye of others, rather than while they are alone (audience effect), or when… … Wikipedia
Social psychology (psychology) — Social psychology is the scientific study of how people s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others (Allport, 1985). By this definition, scientific refers to the empirical method of… … Wikipedia
Oxypertine — Systematic (IUPAC) name 5,6 dimethoxy 2 methyl 3 [2 (4 phenylpiperazin 1 yl)ethyl] 1H indole Clinical data AHFS/Drugs.com … Wikipedia