- dobutamine
- A synthetic derivative of dopamine characterized by prominent inotropic but weak chronotropic and arrhythmogenic properties; a cardiotonic agent.
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do·bu·ta·mine dō-'byüt-ə-.mēn n a strongly inotropic catecholamine administered intravenously in the form of its hydrochloride C18H23NO3·HCl esp. to increase cardiac output and lower wedge pressure in heart failure and after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery* * *
n.a sympathomimetic drug (a beta agonist) used to assist in the management of heart failure. It increases the force of contraction of the ventricles and improves the heart output and it may be given by continuous intravenous drip. Trade names: Dobutrex, Posiject.* * *
do·bu·ta·mine (do-buґtə-mēn) a synthetic catecholamine having direct inotropic effects; it acts primarily on β1-adrenergic receptors, increasing myocardial contractility and stroke volume and resulting in increased cardiac output.
Medical dictionary. 2011.