
1. Incision or cutting through a part. 2. In ophthalmology, opening of the capsule and breaking up of the cortex of the lens with a needle knife or laser. [L. di- scindo, pp. -scissus, to tear asunder]

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dis·cis·sion də-'sish-ən, -'sizh- n an incision (as in treating cataract) of the capsule of the lens of the eye

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an obsolete operation for cataract in which the lens capsule was ruptured by a fine knife or needle to allow the substance of the lens to be absorbed naturally into the surrounding fluid of the eye.

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dis·cis·sion (dĭ-sizhґən) [L. discissio; dis- apart + scindere to cut] incision, or cutting into, as of a soft cataract.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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