- Dirofilaria
- A genus of filaria (family Onchocercidae, superfamily Filarioidea); D. species are usually found in mammals other than man, but rare examples of human infection are known, as by D. immitis. [L. dirus, dread, + filum, thread]- D. conjunctivae name assigned to filarial worms removed from tumors and abscesses in various sites in human cases, especially palpebral conjunctivae and other eye tissues, but also subcutaneous tissues from other sites; probably caused by a number of species of animal origin.- D. immitis a species of filarial worms of dogs and other canids in tropical and subtropical areas, found chiefly in the right ventricle and pulmonary arteries of dogs; sometimes a serious pathogen of racing and show dogs, especially in the southern U.S. where mosquito vectors are common; D. immitis and its canine host have been used to test chemotherapeutic agents, and an extract of D. immitis may be used as a nonspecific intradermal antigen in the diagnosis of human filariasis and in complement-fixation tests. SEE ALSO: Dipetalonema reconditum. SYN: heartworm.
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Di·ro·fi·lar·ia .dī-(.)rō-fə-'lar-ē-ə n a genus of filarial worms of the superfamily Filarioidea that includes the heartworm (D. immitis)* * *
Di·ro·fi·la·ria (di″ro-fĭ-larґe-ə) a genus of nematodes of the superfamily Filarioidea; they have very long filiform bodies and striated cuticles.
Medical dictionary. 2011.