Diplacusis — Diplacusis, also known as diplacusis binauralis or interaural pitch difference (IPD) is the perception of a single auditory stimulus as two separate sounds which may differ in pitch or in time. It is typically experienced as a result of… … Wikipedia
diplacusis — Also known as paracusis duplicata and double hearing. The term diplacusis comes from the Greek words diploös (double) and akouein (to hear). This translates to double sound or double hearing. The term is used as a generic term for a group of… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
diplacusis — /dip leuh kyooh sis/, n., pl. diplacuses / seez/. Pathol. a difference in hearing by the two ears so that one sound is heard as two. [ < NL, equiv. to dipl(o) DIPLO + Gk akoúsis hearing (akoú(ein) to hear, listen to + sis SIS)] * * * … Universalium
diplacusis — n. hearing defect in which one sound is heard as two sounds … English contemporary dictionary
diplacusis — dip·la·cu·sis … English syllables
diplacusis — n. perception of a single sound as double owing to a defect of the cochlea in the inner ear … The new mediacal dictionary
diplacusis — /dɪpləˈkjusəs/ (say dipluh kyoohsuhs) noun the perception of a single tone as two tones differing in pitch, due to a pathological condition resulting in unequal performance of each ear. {dipl(o) + Greek akousis hearing} …
diplacusis — … Useful english dictionary
monaural diplacusis — diplacusis monauralis diplacusis in which a pure tone is heard in the same ear as a split tone of two frequencies … Medical dictionary
disharmonic diplacusis — diplacusis in which a given pure tone is heard differently in the two ears … Medical dictionary