
The removal of growths or other material from the wall of a cavity or other surface, as with a curet. A curet, or curette, is a spoon-shaped instrument with a sharp edge. The word "curette" comes from French and means a scraper. The verb "curer" means to scrape or clean. Curettage may, for example, be used to remove a skin cancer. After a local anesthetic numbs the area, the cancer is scooped out with a curette. Dilation and curettage (D & C) refers to dilation of the cervix (widening the cervix) and curettement of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus).
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A scraping, usually of the interior of a cavity or tract, for the removal of new growths or other abnormal tissues, or to obtain material for tissue diagnosis. SYN: curettement.
- periapical c. 1. removal of a cyst or granuloma from its pathologic bony crypt, utilizing a curette; 2. the removal of tooth fragments and debris from sockets at the time of extraction or subsequent removal of bone sequestra.
- subgingival c. removal of subgingival calculus, ulcerated epithelial and granulation tissues found in periodontal pockets. SYN: apoxesis.
- suction c. a form of abortion in which the cervix is dilated if necessary and the products of conception removed by use of a canula attached to a suction source; technique used to complete a spontaneous incomplete abortion or as a form of induced abortion. SYN: dilation and suction.

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cu·ret·tage .kyu̇r-ə-'täzh n a surgical scraping or cleaning by means of a curette

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the scraping of the skin or the internal surface of an organ or body cavity by means of a spoon-shaped instrument (curette), usually to remove diseased tissue or to obtain a specimen for diagnostic purposes (see also dilatation and curettage). Curettage of the skin is combined with cauterization; it may be used for the removal of basal cell carcinoma, seborrhoeic keratosis, etc., and usually causes little scarring.

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cu·ret·tage (kurə-tahzhґ) [Fr.] the removal of growths or other material from the wall of a cavity or other surface, as with a curet; called also curettement.

Curettage of a basal cell carcinoma.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Curettage — Intervention Illustration from a United States patent for an ornate curette (Michelson, 1988) MeSH …   Wikipedia

  • curettage — cu ret*tage (k[=u] r[e^]*t[aum]zh or k[=u]*r[e^]t [asl]j), n. surgery to remove tissue or growths from a bodily cavity (as the uterus) by scraping with a curette; the act of scraping with a curette. Syn: curettement. [WordNet 1.5] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Curettage — vgl. Kürettage …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • curettage — (n.) 1897; see CURETTE (Cf. curette) (q.v.) + AGE (Cf. age) …   Etymology dictionary

  • curettage — [kyo͞o ret′ij΄, kyoor et′ij; kyo͞o΄rə täzh′, kyoor΄ətäzh] n. [Fr: see CURET] the process of curetting …   English World dictionary

  • Curettage — Chirurgische Curetten Die Kürettage (auch in der französischen Ursprungsschreibung die Curettage wörtlich die Auskratzung, Ausschabung) ist ein in Zahnmedizin, operativer Gynäkologie und Dermatologie verwendeter Begriff, der die operative… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • curettage — n. the scraping of the skin or the internal surface of an organ or body cavity by means of a spoon shaped instrument (curette), usually to remove diseased tissue or to obtain a specimen for diagnostic purposes (see also dilatation and curettage) …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • curettage — /kyoor i tahzh , kyoo ret ij/, n. Surg. the process of curetting. Cf. D and C. [1895 1900; < F, equiv. to curette CURETTE + age AGE] * * * ▪ surgery       surgical scraping, usually of the lining of a body cavity, to clean it of foreign matter,… …   Universalium

  • Curettage — Cu|ret|ta|ge 〈[kyrəta:ʒə] f. 19; Med.〉 = Kürettage [frz.] * * * Cu|ret|ta|ge [kyrɛ ta:ʒə, österr. meist: …ʃ] usw.: ↑ Kürettage usw. * * * Curettage   [kyrɛ taːʒə, französisch] die, / n, Curettement [kyrɛt mã, französisch] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • curettage — [kjʊə rɛtɪdʒ, ˌkjʊərɪ tα:ʒ] noun Surgery the use of a curette, especially on the lining of the uterus. See dilatation and curettage. Origin C19: from Fr., from curette …   English new terms dictionary

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