
The introduction of a viewing tube (called an endoscope or culdoscope) through the end of the vagina into the cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac is also called the rectouterine pouch (the pouch of Douglas), an extension of the peritoneal cavity between the rectum and back wall of the uterus. The word "culdoscopy" is derived from "cul-de-sac" which is a blind pouch or cavity that is closed at one end and, in a more specific sense, refers to the rectouterine pouch. In French, "cul-de-sac" literally is "bottom of (a) sack." As early as the 13th century, a cul-de-sac was a dead-end street (or a dead-end way), a blind alley. The third letter in "cul" is silent in French; in English it is spoken. So, in French "cul" is pronounced "ku" and in English "kul".
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Introduction of an endoscope through the posterior vaginal wall for viewing the rectovaginal pouch and pelvic viscera. [cul-de-sac + G. skopeo, to view]

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cul·dos·co·py .kəl-'däs--, .ku̇l- n, pl -pies a technique for endoscopic visualization and minor operative procedures on the female pelvic organs in which the instrument is introduced through a puncture in the wall of the pouch of Douglas
cul·do·scop·ic .kəl--'skäp-ik, .ku̇l- adj

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cul·dos·co·py (kəl-dosґkə-pe) visual examination of the female pelvic viscera by means of an endoscope introduced into the pelvic cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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