- dimethyl sulfoxide
- Me2SO; a penetrating solvent, enhancing absorption of therapeutic agents from the skin; an industrial solvent that has been proposed as an effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent in arthritis and bursitis.
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dimethyl sulfoxide n an anti-inflammatory agent (CH3)2SO used in the treatment of interstitial cystitis called also DMSO* * *
a chemical used in combination with topically applied drugs to improve their absorption; it may cause skin irritation.* * *
di·meth·yl sulf·ox·ide (DMSO) (di-methґəl sul-fokґsīd) a highly polar alkyl sulfoxide that is a powerful solvent and dissolves many organic and inorganic compounds; its biologic activities include the ability to penetrate plant and animal tissues and to preserve living cells during freezing. [USP] a preparation instilled into the bladder for symptomatic relief of interstitial cystitis, and proposed as a topical analgesic and antiinflammatory agent and as a transcutaneous carrier, increasing penetrability of other substances. In veterinary medicine it is used as a topical antiinflammatory.
Medical dictionary. 2011.