
The encoding and decoding of secret messages. Cryptography in genetics: The term "cryptography" can be applied to human DNA since the message of life is encoded in DNA. And for eons even the existence of DNA was unknown and the information therein an unfathomed mystery. The decoding of DNA in the human genome project is essentially an exercise in cryptography, the greatest piece of cryptography ever undertaken in human history. However, this cryptographic project is incomplete since, although the sequence of most of the DNA has been determined, we are still far from understanding all of the many messages encoded within it. Etymology: The word "cryptography" traces back to the Greek roots "kryptos," meaning "hidden," and "graphein," meaning "to write" = "to write secret(ly)."

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Cryptography — Cryp*tog ra*phy ( f?), n. [Cf. F. cryptographie.] 1. The act or art of writing in code or secret characters; also, secret characters, codes or ciphers, or messages written in a secret code. [1913 Webster +PJC] 2. the science which studies methods …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cryptography — The process of writing or solving codes. The term describes processes by which transmissions of data are kept secure by applying very large numbers with particular mathematical properties for the purpose of encryption of or scrambling data.… …   Law dictionary

  • cryptography — 1650s, from Fr. cryptographie or directly from Mod.L. cryptographia, from Gk. kryptos hidden + GRAPHY (Cf. graphy). Related: Cryptograph; cryptographer …   Etymology dictionary

  • cryptography — ► NOUN ▪ the art of writing or solving codes. DERIVATIVES cryptographer noun cryptographic adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • cryptography — [krip tä′grə fē] n. [ CRYPTO + GRAPHY] 1. the art of writing or deciphering messages in code 2. the system used in a code or cipher cryptographer n. cryptographist cryptographic [krip΄tə graf′ik] adj. cryptographically adv …   English World dictionary

  • Cryptography — Secret code redirects here. For the Aya Kamiki album, see Secret Code. Symmetric key cryptography, where the same key is used both for encryption and decryption …   Wikipedia

  • cryptography — cryptographer, cryptographist, n. cryptographic /krip teuh graf ik/, cryptographical, cryptographal, adj. cryptographically, adv. /krip tog reuh fee/, n. 1. the science or study of the techniques of secret writing, esp. code and cipher systems,… …   Universalium

  • cryptography — noun [kɹ̥ɪpˈtʰɒɡɹəfiː]|/kɹɪpˈtɒɡ.ɹə.fi/ The discipline concerned with communication security (eg, confidentiality of messages, integrity of messages, sender authentication, non repudiation of messages, and many other related issues), regardless… …   Wiktionary

  • cryptography — kriptografija statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Duomenų užšifravimo ir iššifravimo būdai ir priemonės. Kriptografija buvo naudojama ir iki kompiuterių – tai buvo rašymo būdas, kuriuo įslaptinamas teksto turinys. Kriptografinė technika… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Cryptography Research — Cryptography Research, Inc. Type Private subsidiary Headquarters San Francisco, California Key people …   Wikipedia

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