digestant — /di jes teuhnt, duy /, n. Pharm. a substance that promotes digestion. [1870 75; DIGEST + ANT] * * * … Universalium
digestant — n. digestive aid adj. of the digestive process or system … English contemporary dictionary
digestant — di·ges·tant … English syllables
digestant — /dəˈdʒɛstənt/ (say duh jestuhnt), /daɪ / (say duy ) noun a medicinal agent that promotes digestion …
digestant — də̇ˈjestənt, dīˈ noun ( s) : digestive 1 … Useful english dictionary
digestive — 1. Relating to digestion. 2. SYN: digestant (2). * * * di·ges·tive jes tiv n 1) something that aids digestion esp. of food compare DIGESTANT 2) a substance which promotes suppuration digestive adj … Medical dictionary
papain — pa·pa·in pə pā ən, pī n a crystallizable protease in the juice of the green fruit of the papaya obtained usu. as a brownish powder and used chiefly as a tenderizer for meat and in medicine as a digestant and as a topical agent in the debridement… … Medical dictionary
papain — /peuh pay in, puy in/, n. 1. Biochem. a proteolytic enzyme found in the fruit of the papaya tree, Carica papaya. 2. Pharm. a commercial preparation of this used as a meat tenderizer and in medicine as a digestant. [1885 90; PAPA(YA) + IN2] * * *… … Universalium
Taka-diastase — SYN: α amylase. * * * Taka Di·a·stase tä kə dī ə .stās trademark used for an enzyme preparation obtained from a mold of the genus Aspergillus (A. oryzae) and used chiefly as a starch digestant * * * Ta·ka di·as·tase (tahґkah di″əs… … Medical dictionary
deoxycholic acid — 7 D.; 3α,12α dihydroxy 5β cholanic acid; a bile acid and choleretic; used in biochemical preparations as a detergent. * * * de·oxy·cho·lic acid (.)dē .äk sē .kō lik or des·oxy·cho·lic acid .des n a crystalline acid C24H40O4 found esp. in bile and … Medical dictionary