- digametic
- SYN: heterogametic.
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di·ga·met·ic (di″gə-metґik) 1. pertaining to or producing gametes (germ or sex cells) of two different types, female (oocytes) and male (spermatozoa). 2. heterogametic.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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di·ga·met·ic (di″gə-metґik) 1. pertaining to or producing gametes (germ or sex cells) of two different types, female (oocytes) and male (spermatozoa). 2. heterogametic.Medical dictionary. 2011.
digametic — DIGAMÉTIC, Ă adj. care posedă ambele tipuri de gameţi, masculi şi femeli. (< fr. digamétique) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
digametic — see heterogametic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
digametic — di·gametic … English syllables
digametic — |dī+ adjective Etymology: di + gametic : forming two kinds of germ cells (as one with and one without the X chromosome) : heterozygous for sex … Useful english dictionary
heterogametic — adj. [Gr. heteros, different; gamete, spouse] Pertains to the sexual form that gives rise to two different types of sexual gametes in meiosis; in xy and xo systems this is usually male; digametic; see homogametic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
heterogametic — Having sex gametes of contrasting types; human males are h.. SYN: digametic. [hetero + G. gametikos, connubial] * * * het·ero·ga·met·ic gə met ik, mēt adj forming two kinds of gametes of which one determines offspring of one sex and the other… … Medical dictionary
heterogametic — “+ adjective Etymology: heter + gametic 1. : exhibiting heterogamety : digametic 2. : of or relating to a heterogamete or to heterogamety … Useful english dictionary
Дигаметический — * дыгаметычны * digametic то же, что гетерогаметный () … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь