- dicelous
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di·ce·lous (di-seґləs) [di- + cel(o)-2 + -ous] 1. amphicelous. 2. having two cavities.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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di·ce·lous (di-seґləs) [di- + cel(o)-2 + -ous] 1. amphicelous. 2. having two cavities.Medical dictionary. 2011.
amphicelous — Concave at each end, as the body of a vertebra of a fish. [amphi + G. koilos, hollow] * * * am·phi·ce·lous (am″fe seґlus) [amphi + Gr. koilos hollow] concave on both sides; said of the vertebral centra of certain cold blooded vertebrates.… … Medical dictionary