
The top portion of the skull which protects the brain. The bones of the cranium include the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones.
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The bones of the head collectively. In a more limited sense, the neurocranium, the bony brain case containing the brain, excluding the bones of the face (viscerocranium). SYN: skull. [Mediev. L. fr. G. kranion]
- c. bifidum, bifid c. SYN: encephalocele.
- c. cerebrale, cerebral c. SYN: neurocranium.
- c. viscerale, visceral c. SYN: viscerocranium.

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cra·ni·um 'krā-nē-əm n, pl -ni·ums or -nia -nē-ə SKULL specif BRAINCASE

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the part of the skeleton that encloses the brain. It consists of eight bones connected together by immovable joints (see skull).
cranial adj.

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cra·ni·um (kraґne-əm) gen. craґnii pl. craґnia [L., from Gr. kranion the upper part of the head] [TA] the large round superior part of the skull, enclosing the brain and made up of the cranial bones; see ossa cranii, under os.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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