
1. Fibrous or ligamentous. 2. A nodule or relatively large mass of unusually firm scarlike connective tissue resulting from active proliferation of fibroblasts, occurring most frequently in the abdominal muscles of women who have borne children; the fibroblasts infiltrate surrounding muscle and fascia. SYN: abdominal fibromatosis, d. tumor. [desmo- + G. eidos, appearance, form]
- extra- abdominal d. a deep-seated firm tumor, most frequently occurring on the shoulders, chest, or back of young men or women, consisting of collagenous fibrous tissue that infiltrates surrounding muscle; frequently recurs but does not metastasize.

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des·moid 'dez-.mȯid n a dense benign connective-tissue tumor

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des·moid (dezґmoid) [desm- + -oid] 1. fibrous or fibroid. 2. see under tumor.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Desmoid — Des moid, a. [Gr. desmo s ligament + oid.] (Anat.) Resembling, or having the characteristics of, a ligament; ligamentous. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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