
1. To reduce or remove any form of sensitivity. 2. To effect desensitization (1). 3. In dentistry, to eliminate or subdue the painful response of exposed, vital dentin to irritative agents or thermal changes.

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de·sen·si·tize also Brit de·sen·si·tise (')dē-'sen(t)-sə-.tīz vt, -tized also Brit -tised; -tiz·ing also Brit -tis·ing : to make less sensitive: reduce sensitivity in <\desensitize a nerve with a local anesthetic>: as
a) to make (a sensitized or hypersensitive individual) insensitive or nonreactive to a sensitizing agent
b) to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli which formerly induced it: make emotionally insensitive <evidence that violence on television \desensitizes children to actual violence (Stephanie Harrington)>
c) to decrease a response (as of a cell receptor) progressively following prolonged exposure to a stimulus <formation of cAMP was reduced significantly in desensitized cells and remained low in the continuous presence of agonist (S. M. Nilius )(et al)>
de·sen·si·ti·za·tion also Brit de·sen·si·ti·sa·tion (.)dē-.sen-sət-ə-'zā-shən, -.sen-stə-'zā- n

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de·sen·si·tize (de-senґsĭ-tīz) 1. to deprive of sensation; paralysis of a sensory nerve by section or blocking. 2. to carry out desensitization.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • desensitize — v. t. to rendered insensitive or less sensitive. Opposite of {sensitize}. Syn: deaden. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • desensitize — index drug, obtund Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • desensitize — 1904; see DE (Cf. de ) do the opposite of + sensitize (see SENSITIVE (Cf. sensitive)). Originally of photography development; psychological sense is first recorded 1935. Related: Desensitized; desensitizing …   Etymology dictionary

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  • desensitize — [dē sen′sə tīz΄] vt. desensitized, desensitizing 1. to take away the sensitivity of; make less sensitive 2. to make (a photographic plate or film) less sensitive to light 3. Med. to make (a person, animal, or tissue) nonreactive or nonallergic to …   English World dictionary

  • desensitize — v. (D; tr.) to desensitize to (to desensitize smb. to suffering) * * * [diː sensɪtaɪz] (D; tr.) to desensitize to (to desensitize smb. to suffer ing) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • desensitize — UK [diːˈsensətaɪz] / US [dɪˈsensəˌtaɪz] verb [transitive] Word forms desensitize : present tense I/you/we/they desensitize he/she/it desensitizes present participle desensitizing past tense desensitized past participle desensitized to make… …   English dictionary

  • desensitize — de|sen|si|tize also desensitise BrE [di:ˈsensıtaız] v [T] to make someone react less strongly to something by making them become used to it desensitize sb to sth ▪ Does TV desensitize people to violence? >desensitization [di:ˌsensıtaıˈzeıʃən… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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