- dermatoglyphics
- 1. The configurations of the characteristic ridge patterns of the volar surfaces of the skin; in the human hand, the distal segment of each digit has three types of configurations: whorl, loop, and arch. SEE ALSO: fingerprint. 2. The science or study of these configurations or patterns. [dermato- + glyphe, carved work]
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der·ma·to·glyph·ics .dər-mət-ə-'glif-iks n pl but sing or pl in constr1) skin patterns esp patterns of the specialized skin of the inferior surfaces of the hands and feet2) the science of the study of skin patterns* * *
n.1. the patterns of finger, palm, toe, and sole prints. These patterns are formed by skin ridges, the distribution of which is unique to each individual. Abnormalities are found in those with chromosomal aberrations, such as Down's syndrome.2. the study of these patterns. In addition to its use in medicine, dermatoglyphics is also of value in criminology and is of interest to anthropologists. See also fingerprint.* * *
der·ma·to·glyph·ics (dur″mə-to-glifґiks) [dermato- + Gr. glyphein to carve] the study of fingerprints and similar patterns of skin ridges of the hands and feet; done in anthropology and law enforcement to establish identity, and in medicine, both clinically and as a genetic indicator, such as of chromosomal abnormalities.
Medical dictionary. 2011.