
The study of populations, especially with reference to size, density, fertility, mortality, growth rate, age distribution, migration, and vital statistics. [G. demos, people, + grapho, to write]
- dynamic d. a study of the functioning of a community, including statistical records.

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de·mog·ra·phy di-'mäg-- n, pl -phies the statistical study of human populations esp. with reference to size and density, distribution, and vital statistics
de·mog·ra·pher -fər n

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the study of populations on a national, regional, or local basis in terms of age, sex, and other variable, including patterns of migration and survival. It is used in public health medicine to help identify health needs and risk factor. See also biostatistics.

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de·mog·ra·phy (de-mogґrə-fe) [Gr. dēmos people + -graphy] the statistical study of a population or of populations, including characteristics such as geographical distribution, physical environment, disease, sex and age composition, and birth and death rates.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • demography — [di mäg′rə fē] n. [< Gr dēmos, the people (see DEMOCRACY) + GRAPHY] the statistical science dealing with the distribution, density, vital statistics, etc. of human populations demographer n. demographic [dem΄ə graf′ik, dē΄məgraf′ik] adj.… …   English World dictionary

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