- defect
- An imperfection, malformation, dysfunction, or absence; an attribute of quality, in contrast with deficiency, which is an attribute of quantity. [L. deficio, pp. -fectus, to fail, to lack]- aortic septal d., aorticopulmonary septal d. a small congenital opening between the aorta and pulmonary artery about 1 cm above the semilunar valves, e.g., aorticopulmonary window. SYN: aorticopulmonary window.- atrial septal d. a congenital d. in the septum between the atria of the heart, due to failure of the foramen primum or secundum to close normally; may involve atrioventricular canal cushions; occasionally there is strong evidence of autosomal dominant inheritance [MIM*108800]. In varying degree, it is also a common feature of the autosomal recessive Ellis-van Creveld syndrome [MIM*225500] and the autosomal dominant Holt-Oram syndrome [MIM*142900].- atrial ventricular canal d. a d. caused by deficient or absent septal tissue immediately above and below the normal level of the atrioventricular valves, including the region normally occupied by the A-V septum in hearts with two ventricles. The A-V valves are abnormal to a varying degree.- fibrous cortical d. a common 1 to 3 cm d. in the cortex of a bone, most commonly the lower femoral shaft of a child, filled with fibrous tissue. Nonosteogenic or nonossifying fibroma by convention refers to lesions greater than 3 cm in diameter. SEE ALSO: nonossifying fibroma. SYN: nonosteogenic fibroma.- filling d. displacement of contrast medium by a space-occupying lesion in a radiographic study of a contrast-filled hollow viscus, such as a polyp on a barium enema; also applied to defects in the otherwise uniform distribution of radionuclide in an organ, such as a metastasis in the liver on a 99mTc-sulfur colloid scan.- Gerbode d. a d. in the interventricular portion of the membranous septum, associated with a communication between the right ventricle and the right atrium through an abnormality in the tricuspid valve.- luteal phase d. a condition characterized by inadequate secretion of progesterone during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, with resultant infertility; subnormal luteal function commonly attributed to abnormal pituitary gonadotropin secretion. SYN: luteal phase deficiency.- metaphyseal fibrous cortical d. a small fibrous cortical d. located in the metaphysis of a long bone.- osteoporotic marrow d. (os′te-o-po-ro′tik) focal osteoporotic bone marrow d. of the jaw; a focal radiolucent d. composed of normal marrow.- postinfarction ventricular septal d. a d. developed in the ventricular septum resulting from rupture of an acute myocardial infarction.- ventricular septal d. a congenital d. in the septum (membranous or muscular) between the cardiac ventricles, usually resulting from failure of the spiral septum to close the interventricular foramen.
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de·fect 'dē-.fekt, di-' n a lack or deficiency of something necessary for adequacy in form or function <a hearing \defect>* * *
de·fect (deґfekt) an imperfection, failure, or absence.
Medical dictionary. 2011.