
The Latin word for the heart. For example, cor pulmonale is heart disease that results from abnormally high resistance to the passage of blood through the lungs. Cor biloculare is a two-chambered heart resulting from failure of development of the walls that normally separate the two atria from each other and separate the two ventricles from one another.
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SYN: heart. [L.]
- c. adiposum SYN: fatty heart (2).
- c. biloculare a heart in which the interatrial and interventricular septa are absent or incomplete.
- c. bovinum (kor bo′vi-num) SYN: ox heart.
- c. mobile a heart that moves unduly on change of bodily position; associated with large defects or absence (congenital or surgical) of the pericardium. SYN: movable heart.
- c. pendulum an extreme form of c. mobile in which the heart appears to be suspended by the great vessels. SYN: pendulous heart.
- c. pulmonale chronic c. p. is characterized by hypertrophy of the right ventricle resulting from disease of the lungs, except for lung changes in diseases that primarily affect the left side of the heart and pulmonary artery and excluding congenital heart disease; acute c. p. is characterized by dilation and failure of the right side of the heart due to pulmonary embolism. In both types, characteristic electrocardiogram changes occur, and in later stages there is usually right-sided cardiac failure.
- c. triatriatum a heart with three atrial chambers, the left atrium being subdivided by a transverse septum with a single small opening which separates the openings of the pulmonary veins from the mitral valve. SYN: accessory atrium.
- c. triloculare three-chambered heart due to absence of the interatrial or the interventricular septum.
- c. triloculare biatriatum absence of the interventricular septum.
- c. triloculare biventriculare absence of the interatrial septum.
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cardiac output recorder; center of rotation; comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation; conditional origin of replication; conditioned orientation reflex; consensual ophthalmotonic reaction; conventional open resection; corrosion, corrosive; cortisone; cortex; crude odds ratio; custodian of records

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CoR abbr Congo red

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the heart.

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(kor) gen. corґdis [L.] [TA] the heart (q.v.): the muscular organ that maintains the circulation of the blood.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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