- cycloserine
- An antibiotic produced by strains of Streptomyces orchidaceus or S. garyphalus with a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity. SYN: orientomycin.
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cy·clo·ser·ine .sī-klō-'se(ə)r-.ēn, .sik-lō- n a broad-spectrum antibiotic C3H6N2O2 produced by an actinomycete of the genus Streptomyces (S. orchidaceus) and used esp. in the treatment of tuberculosis* * *
n.an antibiotic, active against a wide range of bacteria, that may be used as supporting treatment in tuberculosis. It is administered by mouth; side-effects, which can be severe, include dizziness, drowsiness, convulsions, and mental confusion.* * *
cy·clo·ser·ine (si″klo-serґēn) [USP] a broad-spectrum antibiotic with tuberculostatic activity, produced by growth of Streptomyces orchidaceus or obtained by synthesis, occurring as a white to pale yellow, crystalline powder; effective against many gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, it is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, pulmonary and extrapulmonary, and sometimes in urinary tract infections due to susceptible pathogens; administered orally.
Medical dictionary. 2011.