- cybernetics
- 1. The comparative study of computers and the human nervous system, with intent to explain the functioning of the brain. 2. The science of control and communication in both living and nonliving systems; characteristically, control is governed by feedback, that is, by communication within the system concerning the difference between the actual and the desired result, action then being modified so as to minimize this difference. SEE ALSO: feedback. [G. kybernetica, things pertaining to control or piloting]
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cy·ber·net·ics .sī-bər-'net-iks n pl but sing or pl in constr the science of communication and control theory that is concerned esp. with the comparative study of automatic control systems (as the nervous system and brain and mechanical-electrical communication systems)* * *
n.the science of communication processes and automatic control systems in both machines and living things: a study linking the working of the brain and nervous system with the functioning of computers and automated feedback devices. See also bionics.* * *
cy·ber·net·ics (si″bər-netґiks) [Gr. kybernētēs helmsman] the science of communication and control processes within systems. Control is based on communication both within the system and with the external environment and influences the actions of the system to bring it into some desired future state or to maintain homeostasis. Cybernetics includes the concepts of autoregulation and feedback (qq.v.), as well as the transmission and self-correction of information, and can be applied not only to machines like computers but also to living organisms, including humans, and to complex organizations and societies.
Medical dictionary. 2011.