- cuticle
- 1. An outer thin layer, usually horny in nature. SYN: cuticula (1). 2. The layer, chitinous in some invertebrates, which occurs on the surface of epithelial cells. 3. SYN: epidermis. [L. cuticula, dim. of cutis, skin]- enamel c. the primary enamel c., consisting of two extremely thin layers (the inner one clear and structureless, the outer one cellular), covering the entire crown of newly erupted teeth and subsequently abraded by mastication; it is evident microscopically as an amorphous material between the attachment epithelium and the tooth. SYN: adamantine membrane, cuticula dentis, dental c., membrana adamantina, Nasmyth c., Nasmyth membrane, skin of teeth.- c. of nail the exposed distal prolongation of the corneal layer of the deep surface of the proximal nail fold (eponychium (2)), seen as a thin "skin" overlapping and adherent to the body of the nail at its proximal portion (the area of the lunula). It is formed as a remnant of the eponychium (1) which otherwise degenerates by the eighth month of pregnancy.
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a) the outermost layer of integument composed of epidermisb) the outermost membranous layer of a hair consisting of cornified epithelial cells2) dead or horny epidermis (as that surrounding the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail)* * *
n.3. a layer of cells, such as the outer layer of cells in a hair.* * *
cu·ti·cle (kuґtĭ-kəl) [L. cuticula, from cutis skin] 1. a layer of more or less solid substance covering the free surface of an epithelial cell. 2. eponychium (def. 1).
Medical dictionary. 2011.