- current
- action c. an electrical c. induced in muscle fibers when they are effectively stimulated; normally it is followed by contraction.- after-c. aftercurrent.- alternating c. (AC) a c. that flows first in one direction then in the other; e.g., 60-cycle c..- ascending c. the direction of c. flow in a nerve when the anode is placed peripheral to the cathode, in contrast to descending c.; the convention used is that c. flows from positive to negative. SYN: centripetal c..- centrifugal c. SYN: descending c..- centripetal c. SYN: ascending c..- d'Arsonval c. SYN: high-frequency c..- descending c. the direction of c. flow in a nerve when the cathode is placed peripheral to the anode, in contrast to ascending c.. SYN: centrifugal c..- direct c. (DC) a c. that flows only in one direction; e.g., that derived from a battery; sometimes referred to as galvanic c.. SEE ALSO: galvanism.- electrotonic c. electrotonus.- high-frequency c. an alternating electric c. having a frequency of 10,000 or more cycles per second; it produces no muscular contractions and does not affect the sensory nerves. SYN: d'Arsonval c., Tesla c..- c. of injury the c. generated when an injured part of a nerve, muscle, or other excitable tissue is connected through a conductor with the uninjured region; the injured tissue is negative to the uninjured. SYN: demarcation c..- labile c. an electrical c. applied to the body by means of electrodes that are constantly shifted about.- Tesla c. SYN: high-frequency c..
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cur·rent 'kər-ənt, 'kə-rənt n1) the part of a fluid body (as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction2) a flow of electric charge also the rate of such flow* * *
cur·rent (kurґənt) [L. currens running] 1. anything that flows. 2. electric c.
Medical dictionary. 2011.