- curative
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curative n* * *
cur·a·tive (kūrґə-tiv) [L. curare to take care of] tending to overcome disease and promote recovery.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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cur·a·tive (kūrґə-tiv) [L. curare to take care of] tending to overcome disease and promote recovery.Medical dictionary. 2011.
curative — curative, sanative, restorative, remedial, corrective are comparable when they mean returning or tending to return to a state of normalcy or health. Curative is applicable to whatever effects or, sometimes, seeks or tends to effect a complete… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Curative — may refer to: Curative care, also called curative medicine, health care traditionally oriented towards seeking a cure for an existent disease or medical condition Curative petition, a legal petition specific to the India justice system that is a… … Wikipedia
curative — cu·ra·tive / kyu̇r ə tiv/ adj: serving or intended to cure defects curative instructions to the jury Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. curative … Law dictionary
curative — (adj.) early 15c., from O.Fr. curatif (15c.) curative, healing, from L. curat , pp. stem of curare to cure (see CURE (Cf. cure) (v.)). As a noun, attested from 1857 … Etymology dictionary
curative — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ able to cure disease. ► NOUN ▪ a curative medicine or agent … English terms dictionary
Curative — Cur a*tive (k?r ? t?v), a. [Cf. F.curatif. See {Cure}, v. t.] Relating to, or employed in, the cure of diseases; tending to cure. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
curative — [adj] healing, health giving alleviative, beneficial, corrective, curing, healthful, helpful, invigorating, medicable, medicative, medicinal, pick me up*, remedial, remedying, restorative, salutary, sanative, shot in the arm*, therapeutic, tonic … New thesaurus
curative — [kyoor′ət iv] adj. [ME < OFr curatif < ML curativus < L curatus, pp. of curare, to take care of < cura: see CURE] 1. of or for the curing of disease 2. curing, tending to cure, or having the power to cure n. a thing that cures; remedy … English World dictionary
curative — adjective Date: 15th century relating to or used in the cure of diseases ; tending to cure < curative treatment > < curative powers > • curative noun • curatively adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
curative — cu|ra|tive [ˈkjuərətıv US ˈkjur ] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: curatif, from Latin curare; CURE2] able to, or intended to cure illness →↑heal ▪ the spring s alleged curative properties >curative n ▪ This herb was once thought to be… … Dictionary of contemporary English
curative — [[t]kjʊ͟ərətɪv[/t]] ADJ Something that has curative properties can cure people s illnesses. [FORMAL] Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight. ...curative herbs. Syn: healing … English dictionary