
A cup-shaped or domelike structure. SYN: cupola. [L. dim. of cupa, a tub]
- ampullary c. SYN: c. ampullaris.
- c. ampullaris [TA] a gelatinous mass that overlies the hair cells of the ampullary crests of the semicircular ducts; movement of endolymphatic fluid causes the c. to move across the hair cells of the ampullary crest. SYN: ampullary c..
- c. of cochlea SYN: cochlear c..
- c. cochleae [TA] SYN: cochlear c..
- cochlear c. [TA] the domelike apex of the cochlea. SYN: c. cochleae [TA], c. of cochlea.
- c. pleurae [TA] SYN: cervical pleura.
- pleural c. cervical pleura.

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cu·pu·la 'kyü-p(y)ə- n, pl cu·pu·lae -.
1) the bony apex of the cochlea
2) the peak of the pleural sac covering the apex of the lung

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a small dome-shaped structure consisting of sensory hairs embedded in gelatinous material, forming part of a crista in the ampullae of the semicircular canals of the ear.

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cu·pu·la (kooґpu-lə) pl. cuґpulae [L.] a small inverted cup or dome-shaped cap over some structure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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