- cuneiform
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1) of, relating to, or being a cuneiform bone or cartilage2) of a human skull wedge-shaped as viewed from above* * *
cu·ne·i·form (ku-neґĭ-form) [cuneus + form] shaped like a wedge.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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cu·ne·i·form (ku-neґĭ-form) [cuneus + form] shaped like a wedge.Medical dictionary. 2011.
CuneiForm — Тип оптическое распознавание символов Автор Cognitive Technologies Разработчики команда CuneiForm Linux Написана на C, C++ Интерфейс … Википедия
CuneiForm — Entwickler Cognitive Technologies Aktuelle Version 0.1.0 (14. Februar 2009) Betriebssystem Windows (Linux und FreeBSD Portierungen verfügbar) Kategorie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cuneiform — redirects here. For other uses, see Cuneiform (disambiguation). Sumerian inscription in monumental archaic style, c. 26th century BC … Wikipedia
cuneiform — CUNEIFÓRM, Ă, cuneiformi, e, adj. Care este în formă de cui. ♢ Scriere cuneiformă = sistem de scriere cu litere în formă de cuie săpate în piatră sau imprimate pe tăbliţe de argilă, folosit de unele popoare orientale antice. ♦ (Substantivat, f.)… … Dicționar Român
Cuneiform — Cu*ne i*form (k? n? ? f?rm), Cuniform Cu ni*form (k? n? f?rm), a. [L. cuneus a wedge + form: cf. F. cunei forme. See {Coin}.] 1. Wedge shaped; as, a cuneiform bone; especially applied to the wedge shaped or arrowheaded characters of ancient… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cuneiform — (lat. cuneus, Keil) kann sich beziehen auf: das Keilbein, siehe Os cuneiforme cuneiform script, engl. für Keilschrift eine Texterkennungssoftware, siehe CuneiForm … Deutsch Wikipedia
cuneiform — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to the wedge shaped characters used in the ancient writing systems of Mesopotamia, Persia, and Ugarit. 2) chiefly Biology wedge shaped. ► NOUN ▪ cuneiform writing. ORIGIN from Latin cuneus wedge … English terms dictionary
cuneiform — [kyo͞o nē′ə fôrm΄, kyo͞o′nē əfôrm΄] adj. [< L cuneus (see CUNEAL) + FORM] 1. wedge shaped 2. designating the characters in ancient Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian inscriptions, or the inscriptions themselves n. cuneiform characters … English World dictionary
Cuneiform — Cu*ne i*form, Cuniform Cu ni*form, n. 1. The wedge shaped characters used in ancient Persian and Assyrian inscriptions. I. Taylor (The Alphabet). [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) (a) One of the three tarsal bones supporting the first, second third… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cuneiform — (adj.) 1670s, wedge shaped, from Fr. cunéiforme (16c.), from L. cuneus a wedge, wedge shaped thing, of unknown origin, + Fr. forme (see FORM (Cf. form) (n.)). Applied to characters in ancient Middle Eastern inscriptions made with wedge shaped… … Etymology dictionary
cuneiform — meaning ‘ancient wedge shaped writing’, is now normally pronounced as three syllables in BrE, i.e. kyoo ni fawm, and as four in AmE, i.e. kyoo nay i fawm … Modern English usage