
The anterior prominent portion of the monticulus of the vermis of the cerebellum; vermal lobule rostral to the primary fissure; divided into an anterior part [TA] (lobule IV of Larsell) and a posterior part [TA] (lobule V of Larsell). SYN: lobulus culminis. [L. summit]

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cul·men 'kəl-mən n a lobe of the cerebellum lying in the superior vermis just in front of the primary fissure

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an area of the upper surface of the cerebellum, anterior to the declive and posterior to the central lobule and separated from them by deep fissures.

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cul·men (kulґmən) pl. culґmina [L. âœsummitâ] [TA] (IV and V): the portion of the anterior lobe of the cerebellum that lies medially between the central lobule and the primary fissure; it is divided into anterior (IV) and posterior (V) parts by the intraculminate fissure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • culmen — ⇒CULMEN, subst. masc. ANAT. ,,Portion la plus élevée du vermis supérieur du cervelet, située en avant du sillon primaire (Méd. Biol. t. 1 1970). Synon. éminence du vermis supérieur. Les lobules du vermis (...), le monticule, divisé lui même en… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Culmen — Cul men (k?l m?n), n. [L., fr. cellere (in comp.) to impel; cf. celsus pushed upward, lofty.] 1. Top; summit; acme. R. North. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) The dorsal ridge of a bird s bill. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Culmen — can refer to: The upper ridge of a bird s beak A part of the cerebellum, a structure in the brain This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you may wish …   Wikipedia

  • Culmen — (lat.), 1) der oberste Theil einer Sache in die Höhe ragende Spitze; daher 2) (Bauk.), so v.w. Frist; 3) (Zoot.), Schnabelrücken …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • culmen — ► sustantivo masculino culto Auge, punto culminante: ■ aquella tragedia representó, a ojos de la crítica, el culmen de su carrera como dramaturgo. SINÓNIMO cima culminación * * * culmen (del lat. «culmen, ĭnis») m. *Cima. * * * culmen. (Del lat.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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