- craniotome
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cra·nio·tome 'krā-nē-ə-.tōm n an instrument used in performing craniotomy* * *
cra·nio·tome (kraґne-o-tōm″) [cranio- + -tome] an instrument for use in performing craniotomy.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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cra·nio·tome (kraґne-o-tōm″) [cranio- + -tome] an instrument for use in performing craniotomy.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Craniotome — is the name of a number of things: Lamiaceae Craniotome (tool), a tool for cutting the skull This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the lin … Wikipedia
Craniotŏme — (C. Rchnb.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Labiatae Stachydeae Marrubieae; Art: C. versicolor, in Nepal … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Craniotome — Craniotome … Wikipedia Español
Craniotome (tool) — Craniotome is a tool for drilling holes (burr holes) in the skull. Generally equipped with a clutch which automatically disengages once the skull has been drilled through completely, thus preventing tears in the dura. External links Wired: Mind… … Wikipedia
craniotome — (krâ nio to m ) s. m. Terme de chirurgie. Nom des instruments avec lesquels on pratique la section des os du crâne d un enfant mort quand l accouchement ne peut se faire. ÉTYMOLOGIE En grec, crâne et couper (voy. tome) … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
craniotome — cra·ni·o·tome … English syllables
craniotome — ˈkrānēəˌtōm noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary crani + tome : an instrument used in performing craniotomy … Useful english dictionary
craniotom — CRANIOTÓM, craniotome, s.n. Instrument chirurgical cu ajutorul căruia se sparg oasele craniului la făt atunci când acesta nu poate fi expulzat. [pr.: ni o ] – Din fr. craniotome. Trimis de LauraGellner, 30.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 craniotóm s. n … Dicționar Român
Lamiaceae — Lamiaceae … Wikipédia en Français
craniotomie — (krâ ni o to mie) s. f. Terme de chirurgie. Opération dans laquelle on emploie le craniotome. ÉTYMOLOGIE Craniotome … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré