
The resistance, or back-pull, made to traction or pulling on a limb; e.g., in the case of traction made on the leg, c. may be effected by raising the foot of the bed so that the weight of the body pulls against the weight attached to the limb. SYN: counterextension.

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coun·ter·trac·tion 'kau̇nt-ər-.trak-shən n a traction opposed to another traction used in reducing fractures

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the use of an opposing force to balance that being applied during traction, when a strong continuous pull is applied, for example, to a limb so that broken bones can be kept in alignment during healing.

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coun·ter·trac·tion (koun″tər-trakґshən) traction opposed to another traction; employed in the reduction of fractures.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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