
A means of assisting the failing heart by automatically removing arterial blood just before and during ventricular ejection and returning it to the circulation during diastole; a balloon catheter is inserted into the aorta and activated by an automatic mechanism triggered by the ECG.
- intra- aortic balloon c. rhythmic inflation and deflation of a catheter-borne balloon placed in the aorta distal to the aortic valve to facilitate ejection during systole and to limit regurgitation during diastole by the appropriate application of pressures. Usually an emergency treatment for cardiogenic shock or for intractable angina.

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coun·ter·pul·sa·tion -.pəl-.sā-shən n a technique for reducing the workload on the heart by lowering systemic blood pressure just before or during expulsion of blood from the ventricle and by raising blood pressure during diastole see INTRA-AORTIC BALLOON COUNTERPULSATION

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coun·ter·pul·sa·tion (koun″tər-pəl-saґshən) a technique for assisting the circulation and decreasing the work of the heart, by synchronizing the force of an external pumping device with cardiac systole and diastole.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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