- Condition
- The term "condition" has a number of biomedical meanings including the following: {{}}An unhealthy state, such as in "this is a progressive condition." A state of fitness, such as "getting into condition." Something that is essential to the occurrence of something else; essentially a "precondition." As a verb: to cause a change in something so that a response that was previously associated with a certain stimulus becomes associated with another stimulus; to condition a person, as in behavioral conditioning.
* * *1. To train; to undergo conditioning. 2. A certain response elicited by a specifiable stimulus or emitted in the presence of certain stimuli with reward of the response during prior occurrence. 3. Referring to several classes of learning in the behavioristic branch of psychology. [L. conditio, fr. condico, to agree]- fibrocystic c. of the breast a benign disease common in women of the third, fourth, and fifth decades characterized by formation, in one or both breasts, of small cysts containing fluid which may appear as blue dome cysts; associated with stromal fibrosis and with variable degrees of intraductal epithelial hyperplasia and sclerosing adenosis. SYN: cystic hyperplasia of the breast.
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1) something essential to the appearance or occurrence of something else esp an environmental requirement <available oxygen is an essential \condition for animal life>2 a) a usu. defective state of health <a serious heart \condition>b) a state of physical fitness <exercising to get into \condition>condition vt, con·di·tioned; con·di·tion·ing -'dish-(ə-)niŋ to cause to undergo a change so that an act or response previously associated with one stimulus becomes associated with another* * *
con·di·tion (kən-dishґən) to train; to subject to conditioning.
Medical dictionary. 2011.