- concha
- In anatomy, a structure comparable to a shell in shape, as the auricle or pinna of the ear or a turbinate bone in the nose. [L. a shell]- c. of auricle [TA] the large hollow, or floor of the auricle, between the anterior portion of the helix and the antihelix; it is divided by the crus of the helix into the cymba above and the cavum below. SYN: c. auriculae [TA], c. of ear.- c. bullosa abnormal pneumatization of the middle turbinate that may interfere with normal ventilation of sinus ostia and can result in recurrent sinusitis.- highest c. SYN: supreme nasal c..- inferior nasal c. [TA] 1. a thin, spongy, bony plate with curved margins, on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity, separating the middle from the inferior meatus; it articulates with the ethmoid, lacrimal, maxilla, and palate bones; 2. the above bony plate and its thick mucoperiosteum containing an extensive cavernous vascular bed for heat exchange. SYN: c. nasalis inferior [TA], inferior turbinated bone, turbinated body (2).- middle nasal c. [TA] 1. the middle thin, spongy, bony plate with curved margins, part of the ethmoidal labyrinth, projecting from the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and separating the superior meatus from the middle meatus; 2. the above bony plate and its thick mucoperiosteum containing a cavernous vascular bed for heat exchange. SYN: c. nasalis media [TA], middle turbinated bone, turbinated body (2).- c. nasalis suprema [TA] SYN: supreme nasal c..- sphenoidal conchae [TA] pyramidal paired ossicles, the spines of which are in contact with the medial pterygoid lamina, the bases forming the roof of the nasal cavity. SYN: conchae sphenoidales [TA], Bertin bones, Bertin ossicles, sphenoidal turbinated bones.- conchae sphenoidales [TA] SYN: sphenoidal conchae.- superior nasal c. [TA] 1. the upper thin, spongy, bony plate with curved margins, part of the ethmoidal labyrinth, projecting from the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and separating the superior meatus from the sphenoethmoidal recess; 2. the above bony plate and its thick mucoperiosteum, which is less vascular than that of the middle and inferior conchae. SYN: c. nasalis superior [TA], Morgagni c., superior turbinated bone, turbinated body (2).- supreme c. SYN: supreme nasal c..- supreme nasal c. [TA] a small c. frequently present on the posterosuperior part of the lateral nasal wall; it overlies the supreme nasal meatus. SYN: c. nasalis suprema [TA], fourth turbinated bone, highest c., highest turbinated bone, Santorini c., c. santorini, supraturbinal, supreme c., supreme turbinated bone, turbinated body (2).
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1) the largest and deepest concavity of the external ear2) NASAL CONCHAcon·chal -kəl adj* * *
n. (pl. conchae)(in anatomy) any part resembling a shell. For example, the concha auriculae is a depression on the outer surface of the pinna (auricle), which leads to the external auditory meatus of the outer ear. See also nasal concha.* * *
con·cha (kongґkə) pl. conґchae [L., from Gr. konchē] 1. a shell. 2. in anatomical nomenclature, a structure or part that resembles a sea shell in shape.
Medical dictionary. 2011.