aorticopulmonary window
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window — 1. SYN: fenestra. 2. Any opening in space or time. 3. Radiology. A view especially contrived to accentuate tissue contrast. aortic w. obsolete term for a radiolucent region below the … Medical dictionary
defect — An imperfection, malformation, dysfunction, or absence; an attribute of quality, in contrast with deficiency, which is an attribute of quantity. [L. deficio, pp. fectus, to fail, to lack] aortic septal d., aorticopulmonary septal d. a small… … Medical dictionary
aortic septal defect — aorticopulmonary septal defect a congenital anomaly in which there is abnormal communication between the ascending aorta and pulmonary artery just above the semilunar valves; called also aorticopulmonary fenestration or window … Medical dictionary
Persistent truncus arteriosus — Classification and external resources Diagrams to illustrate the transformation of the bulbus cordis. Ao. Truncus arteriosus. Au. Atrium. B. Bulbus cordis. RV. Right ventricle. LV. Left ventricl … Wikipedia
Tronc arteriel commun — Tronc artériel commun Coeur normal Le tronc artériel commun est une cardiopathie congénitale dans laquelle une artère unique assure l éjection du sang venant à la fois du ventricule gauche et du ventricule droit. De ce tronc artériel qui… … Wikipédia en Français