
1. A column, or a small column. SYN: columnella. 2. In fungi, a sterile invagination of a sporangium, as in Zygomycetes. [L. dim. of columna, column]
- c. cochleae SYN: modiolus of angle of mouth.
- c. nasi the fleshy lower margin (termination) of the nasal septum.

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col·u·mel·la .käl-(y)ə-'mel-ə n, pl -mel·lae -'mel-(.)ēalso -.ī
1) any of various anatomical parts likened to a column:
a) the bony central axis of the cochlea
b) the lower part of the nasal septum
2) the central sterile portion of the sporangium in various fungi (Mucor and related genera)
col·u·mel·lar -ər adj
col·u·mel·late -.āt, -ət adj

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(in anatomy) a part resembling a small column. For example, the columella cochleae (modiolus) is the central pillar of the cochlea, around which the spiral cochlear canal winds. The columella nasi is the anterior part of the nasal septum.

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col·u·mel·la (kol″u-melґə) pl. columelґlae [L. “small column,” dim. of columna column] 1. any of various columnlike anatomical structures. 2. in certain fungi and protozoa, a sterile invagination of the sporangiophore into the fertile area of the sporangium.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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