- Everglades virus
- a species of togavirus of the genus Alphavirus, transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Culex; it has been isolated from rodents in the Everglades National Park and causes febrile illness in humans.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Everglades virus — Taxobox virus group = iv familia = Togaviridae genus = Alphavirus Everglades virus (EVEV) is an alphavirus included in the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus complex. The virus circulates among rodents and vector mosquitoes and occasionally… … Wikipedia
EVV — Everglades virus … Medical dictionary
EVV — • Everglades virus … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Viren — (Singular: das Virus, außerhalb der Fachsprache auch der Virus; Plural: Viren; von lat. virus, i, n. „Gift, Saft, Schleim“) sind infektiöse Partikel, die sich außerhalb von Zellen (extrazellulär) durch Übertragung verbreiten, aber nur innerhalb… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of viruses — This is a list of biological viruses. See also List of computer viruses This is a list of biological viruses, and types of viruses. Please add to this list as appropriate. Note that some of these terms may be synonyms for the same virus; if there … Wikipedia
Togaviren — Familie Togaviridae Semliki Forest Virus Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung: nicht klassifiziert … Deutsch Wikipedia
Togaviridae — Semliki Forest Virus Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alphaviren — Alphavirus Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung: nicht klassifiziert Familie: Togaviridae … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alphavirus — Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung: nicht klass … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alphavirus — One of the genera of the family Togaviridae that was formerly classified as part of the “group A” arboviruses and includes the viruses that cause eastern equine, western equine, and Venezuelan encephalitis. * * * Al·pha·vi·rus al fə .vī rəs n a… … Medical dictionary